
Plataforma ISCIII de Biobancs i Biomodels

Client: Plataforma ISCIII de Biobancs i Biomodels
Project: IBEC - Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia

Project initiated in 2021 with IBEC's coordination of the Instituto Carlos III Platform for Biobanks and Biomodels, and consisting of the design and development of an application for the management of the Platform, which is very complete and provides service to the 71 Units of the main biomedical research centers in Spain.


This project, developed in three phases to date, allows the complete management of sample requests for research and provides coordination tools and reports from the Platform itself, as well as internal communication tools between Units (working groups or forum), or customized functionalities to manage request closures. The crucial point of all this, however, is the pilot of the Biobanks catalog at state level, a milestone never achieved before.